To add a vendor in the vendor master you need to:

  • Go to Purchase -> Vendors
  • Click on New Vendor Button
  • In the Create Vendor Dialog enter the following mandatory details:
    • Name - The name by which you want to identify the vendor.
    • State - Vendor address state
    • Pincode - The vendor address pincode 
  • Click on the "Save" button to save the vendor in the system.

So you may be wondering what are the other fields in the form. These are non-mandatory fields:

  • Description - Specify the description/note for the vendor.
  • Phone - The vendor contact number. 
  • Email - The vendor email id. You need to specify this to send out a purchase order to the vendor.
  • Address - The address of the vendor. 
  • City - The city of the vendor
  • GSTIN - GSTIN identifier of the vendor